Nature Foundation celebrates its 40th birthday!
On 14th October 1981, Dr Barbara Hardy AO, David Cleland, Warren Bonython AO and Dr Mark Bonnin AM established the organisation known today as Nature Foundation.
40 years later, Nature Foundation has completed decades of amazing preservation work, including:
- Adding 24 properties in South Australia to the National Reserve System in partnership with State and Commonwealth Governments;
- Helping to protect 1.15 million hectares of land in South Australia, including more than 5,000 square kilometres on the foundation’s own nature reserves.
- Providing 418 grants valued at more than $1.7 million to university students, researchers and community organisations to support nature science research to address critical knowledge gaps about our ecosystems;
- Delivering more than 14,000 megalitres of water to more than 100 wetland complexes in SA’s River Murray Valley through its Water for Nature program; and
- Involving 250 young Aboriginal people to participate in its innovative and accredited Kids on Country program on the Nature Foundation’s nature reserves.
Bec Hardy joined the Nature Foundation board in 2020 and Bec Hardy Wines remains a proud sponsor of Nature Foundation.